The Parasol Paranormal Group
Blog & News Postings
I recently saw online some projects that people have built using various pieces of equipment for the purpose of isolating noise and allowing for live EVP recording and witnessing in the moment. These projects are verifiable, tested, and proven pieces of paranormal investigative equipment, but they take time and money to assemble. I am currently planning to assemble such a device myself, using the same proven components that others before me have made, in order to streamline EVP recording and interactions while on cases.
This will greatly cut down the number of hours spent sifting through audio, isolating white noise, and scrubbing for evidence, and provide in-the-moment analysis, and evidence for clients, as well as save my ears (to a degree!). Of course I'll still have to scrub through microphone recordings regardless, but this will greatly reduce turn-around time for clients and improve results ten-fold! More on this project to come in future~! Keep your eyes peeled because it will happen in the next month or so at least!
Well, where to start... I want to keep this short, but oh my, was this last case an interesting one. It was very different from previous ones that we have had, in that baselines garnered no tangible results, and the SB-7 seemingly let us down! This is a first..! We had to rely solely on visuals, and audibles from EVP...
I still have some more EVP to go over, speaking of, so, I should get back to this... ah well.. the case file (#6 is up) so go over there and read my synopsis! Hah! ..back to work~ ;D Who so ever is reading this, had you seen this site before, may be a bit surprised to see that...
"PPISurrey Paranormal Investigative Services" NOW....: "THE PARASOL PARANORMAL GROUP"~! This is because of many reasons. Mainly because the original name was long, and meant to showcase the solely family-run operation of the group. Now, however, that name no longer seems suitable... Parasol has many friends, and associates within a wide variety of paranormal networks, and a small, "mom&pop" sort of name doesn't quite fit the bill anymore... "The Parasol Paranormal Group" however, is more suitable. it holds ties to the rainy city in which the group has roots, as well as provides more of a comfortable "umbrella" (*ahem*) for our affiliates to work within as well. It's more inclusive, easier to remember, and most of all... We think it sounds much better. So, PPISurrey is now "Parasol". And we couldn't be happier with the change~ Well, it's finally time, after many months and much healing, that I can get back to practically full functioning of my left hand again! :)
PPISurrey plans on going full blast at the paranormal game, by now offering investigative services for any/all types of paranormal/supernatural related phenomenon! Be it spirits, possessions, hauntings, monster sightings, UFOs, abduction cases, psychokinetic abilities, or whatever else, we're game to investigate and find results! We appreciate the support from followers and friends through good times and bad, and hope to make the rest of 2015 a stellar one~! As always, stay safe out there, and happy hunting~! ![]() The new t-shirts have finally arrived. and they look fantastic! Thanks again to Ronnie Clark for the design; it's just brilliant: They are long sleeved, black, and just like the pictures posted in the previous entry, so if you want a good look, check it out below! As well, we just received our very first EM Pump in the mail :D We're excited to take this bad boy out into the field and test it's capabilities for ourselves. Hopefully sooner than later...? We're working on spreading the word, so, if you're reading this, a little help would be greatly appreciated in getting our name out there :) Thanks for reading, the support from all of our friends out in the Paranormal community, and yourself as well! Stay safe out there, and happy hunting :) I want to start out by stating first off that we were unable to attend ColdCon 2014 as held by the Coldspotters this year due to certain personal circumstances. From the pictures we have seen shared through social media it looks as though we missed a great time! Hats off to all those who attended, prepared, organized, etc. There's always next year :) As for the rest of the update, it's probably pretty obvious by now: the site has had a complete overhaul. Thanks again to our friend Ronnie Clark for the banners/logos. Just what we needed; exactly. I couldn't be happier with the results! :D Our new "uniforms" should arrive soon, and once they do, there will be another update showing them off for sure. Until then, this is what they're going to look like: We also have a new piece of equipment on it's way as well... they are a little bit controversial in their actual usability and functionality, so we're more than willing, and excited, to test out our new...
EM Pump! (It should arrive around the same time as the shirts) For those who don't know, the idea behind an EM pump is basically as such: a device that, using electrical energy, creates and distributes an electromagnetic field within a short-range so as to attract and amplify communications with spirits, and better the odds of interaction and evidence gathering via audio-visual means. So... we're going to test it out, once we get it out in the field, and see what we can't stir up :) So it's been a while since our last post. We have been receiving fantastic support from our friends in the Paranormal community, as well as other avenues, and would like to start off by saying "THANK YOU!" :D
We have a new banner for our website and FB page, courtesy of Ronnie Clark! He can be found here: "Click me! Click me!" A big shout to him for the fantastic work, as well as new logo that we are now implementing on official PPISurrey t-shirts! Exciting! :D In other news, we should be receiving our first EM pump in the mail sometime this month, as well as our new t-shirts (thanks again, Ronnie!), and we are going to attend ColdCon near Vancouver BC, as held by The Coldspotters. For more information on The Coldspotters, follow this link: "Ooh! Me next! It's my turn!" We are currently working on finding some new locations in Surrey BC or the surrounding area to investigate, so any and all information would be greatly appreciated! If you know of anywhere that may be haunted, have paranormal activity, or just plain spooky, feel free to let us know! (Whether by Email, comment, etc.) Here's to a good time at ColdCon 2014, and the cold winter making its way in! Happy huntings, and safe travels everybody :) We have recently just finished an investigation into a home in the Guildford area of Surrey BC Canada, and wow, did we ever get some amazing results from our P-SB7 spirit box! They were astounding! If you haven't looked at them yet, feel free to check out the "Case Photos" tab of the website, and you'll see what I mean.
In the near future we plan on teaming up with Twolee's Grove Metaphysical Services again to further investigate during their cleansing ritual practices. It seems to be a peak time to capture some interesting phenomena! And now, to respond to some of the previous comments to the blog! REPLY to WILLIAM V.: Thank you for taking the time to post information regarding the Valley View Cemetery. I apologize that a reply from us has taken this long, if you are, in fact, reading my reply. We have recently had that particular cemetery on our radar, as there have been reports by friends of the family that apparitions have been spotted, specifically of a little girl. We will more than likely investigate this location in the future when either permitted by the staff, during public hours, or both. REPLY TO "SUSIE Q.": Thank you as well "Susie" for commenting on the blog! I completely understand the need for using an alias online, so don't worry about it. We appreciate any and all information regarding strange occurrences, even if the cause is determined to be something explainable. There is always something to be had in experiences and investigations of any kind warrant some form of learning. We are also more than familiar with Bear Creek Park and the surrounding area, as Surrey is our "base of operations", so to speak! Thank you for the tip about the young boy in the area, we will try and find the opportunity to head out there and take a look for ourselves. If you are reading this Blog again, and see this response to your comment, do you mind telling us what part of Bear Creek Park you saw the boy in? Was it around the Arts Centre? The gardens? The track? Again, thank you for both for taking the time to comment; we truly appreciate the support and helpful information :) We have all of our gear "necessities" under control now, and are well suited to take on more responsibility for future investigations.
We're also always willing to help out on investigations with our neighbouring groups and friends, as well! :) It's all about finding a location, or it finding us, and putting our skills and knowledge to the test. We have made many contacts through Facebook and over the internet with people across the globe, and are pumped for what the future of PPISurrey holds. Bring it on! :) We finally have our own domain name secured for use! Rather than just using the standard Weebly domain (too long) or the .tk website we acquired free of charge (temporary), we now have our own domain to be used officially and without compromise!
We also have some newer, better equipment including the P-SB7 spirit box, and are working on acquiring a MEL meter for the future, as well as a DVR system. For now, we have to use USB security cams (daytime use/night vision) as well as a full spectrum camera to gather visual evidence, but hopefully sooner or later we can acquire a camcorder suitable for our purposes, as well as a DVR system for our static cam placement purposes. Things can only get better from here, but we always are in need of support! (Consider donating today, or join us on Facebook for some added encouragement!) :) |
Edward PuckeringPPISurrey Lead Investigator Archives
December 2018
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